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6 Goblins in Funny Hats

To spice up your encounters, goblins in funny hats with special effects. Most of the effects come from minor magic items, most from Arnold K's d100 minor magic items.

The Beastmaster

A goblin wearing a dogskin cape. Commands a 50' animate rope(100) with the personality of a dog. It will attempt to make friends with anything it sees. Besides tying itself into knots, which it must be taught like tricks, the rope can grapple someone if thrown at them. 50', STR 12.

Image result for vulpes inculta
Like this guy, but worse. 

The Twin

A goblin with a whiskery goatee and a ring of alternate self. If the ring is removed, the goblin returns to its normal, non-goateed self, and is extremely confused for 1d4 rounds.

The Wizard

A goblin wearing a pyramid-shaped hat with a bag of minor magic items, such as cursed matches(76), pop rocks and dust of de-appearance(5). It believes itself to be a real wizard, and will use its items to their greatest extent.

The Juggernaut

A goblin in an improvised metal helm, painted with giant's ochre(95). Massively increased size and strength for 1d6 rounds until the ochre is sweated off and it returns to normal size. Enters combat by bursting through the nearest solid surface.

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The Cannibal

A goblin wearing a restraining mask. If released, attacks exclusively by biting (1d6) and heals as much damage as it deals.

The Aviator

A goblin wearing a leather cap and goggles. Has a cape of gliding. Will seek the highest ground possible and then pepper the party with arrows from above.

Image result for goblin aviator
Like that, actually
Guillaume DuBois

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