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Monrovia v Fenwick: Rearguard at Standenplatz

continued from the previous post ....

The Monrovian holding action at Venkheim at enabled them to setup a strong position to fight a rearguard action to enable the rest of the army to continue on across the river to Pinzendorf in Monrovian territory.

Fenwick forces were following up under the command of General von Kessing leading the advance guard with two flanking columns working their way through the light woods on either side of the road; the main body with the artillery followed.


The Monrovian rearguard deployed at Standenplatz, under the command of General Zeinite....

General Zeinite prepares to issue orders as the Fenwick troops are sighted to their front marching down the road...
The Fenwick troops marching toward Standenplatz, General von Kessing can see the Monrovians deployed ahead, there are two supporting columns moving through the light woods on either side of him - they are not in sight yet....
Von Kessing deploys his column, as the left flank column arrives

The Fenwick forces advance forward...
The Monrovian infantry regiment in front of the bridge retires, taking positions in the small village and on the bridge...
As the Fenwick troops deploy ready to attack, their right flank column has arrived at last....

The Fenwick attack commences - infantry move into musket range, the hussars cross the stream and charge the opposing cavalry....
the converged grenadiers charge the bridge ....
A sharp volley from the Monrovian converged grenadiers un-nerves the Fenwick jagers who fall back through the supporting battalion.
On the other flank, the Fenwick hussars have cross the stream and attacked the Monrovian cavalry to their front; the Monrovian guard grenadiers are winning a firefight with the Fenwick provincial battalion..
The Fenwick grenadiers force their way over the bridge and the Monrovian fusiliers turn tail and run ...
The Fenwick provincials after another ripping volley from the Monrovian guard grenadiers give ground then rout;  the hussars have pushed back their opponents...
The guard grenadiers fend of a flanking attack from Fenwick cavalry
but suffering heavy fire from Fenwick troops to their front and flank,
then break and rout ... the Fenwick troops are advancing as the Monrovians give ground ...
The Fenwick advance stalls, their grenadiers have secured the next bridge but have enemy cavalry to their front; the Fenwick hussars are blown and won't advance.
The Monrovians withdraw covered by their cavalry....

A victory for Fenwick,

but the Monrovian rearguard action was successful, the rest of what remains of their army will be able to reach Pinzendorf.

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