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877. Les Roseaux sauvages/The Wild Reeds (1994)

Running Time: 113 minutes
Directed By: Andre Techine
Written By: Olivier Massart, Gilles Taurand, Andre Techine
Main Cast: Elodie Bouchez, Gael Morel, Stephane Rideau, Frederic Gorny, Michele Moretti
Click here to view the trailer


This one has been sitting on my desk for a good two weeks or so now, just staring at me, as I kept putting it off and putting it off, sort of knowing that it wouldn't be the type of film that suited me. What can I say - I know my tastes...

I'm not gonna' lie, I sort of mentally checked out of this one at about the halfway mark, stopped caring about the story and just sort of mildly marveled at the cinematography, which I found to the the film's saving grace, if it had one. I just couldn't form any sort of emotional attachment to this picture and I'll take the blame for that one. The film was set primarily at a boarding school and revolves around four youths: Francois (Morel), a shy, Michael Cera looking boy; Serge (Rideau), a more outgoing boy, whose brother dies in the Algerian War; Henri (Gorny), an older boy and Maite, Francois' best friend, a female. The film basically revolves around Francois and his confusion at his own sexuality. He has a sexual encounter with Serge, who seduces him and spends the rest of the film trying to figure out his own preferences. Meanwhile, Henri shows an attraction toward Maite. Honestly, that's all I'm going to be able to muster, because as far as I'm concerned, that was the plot. There wasn't much to it and if there was, it was my own fault for zoning out and missing anything poignant that may have been buried in there. However, as I said, I just couldn't settle into this one, for some reason.

I have found recently though that I'm becoming more and more fascinated with foreign landscapes and architecture. It's not just any foreign scenery either, as it tends to mostly be European sites that seem to catch my eye and leave me gawking at certain things that others might not find beautiful at all. I'm talking about old, paint chipped buildings; miles and miles of rolling, green fields; landmarks that have seemingly been in place for a dozen centuries, it's all very interesting and awesome to me - meaning it inspires awe.

As for this movie, take a pass and thank me later. It just seems to be too quiet to really catch anyone's attention and it's subject matter isn't interesting enough to elicit any sort of any real emotion connection, at least from me anyway. I will give Techine credit for being able to make his film really feel like it's from a different period. The film is set in 1962 and honestly, this film doesn't resemble anything else that was produced in the 90s, so there's that too. Otherwise, thumbs down from this reviewer.

RATING: 3/10  For the few things I mentioned, I'll gladly give it a '3' and say I tried my best, but just couldn't form the emotional attachment necessary to enjoy it more. My fault...


October 27, 2013  11:30pm

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